Treasure on the mountain.

We were heading out the door for a brunch under the redwoods when a text popped up on Tylers phone. It was from a neighbor here on the mountain. “My wife has a crystal that she wants to gift your wife. When would be a good time to meet up?” “Hey! Thank you! Late afternoon would be great! Anytime after …

Constellating in Circles.

I have been constellating in circles about what to share next. As it has been quite some time since my previous post.  I find myself in a real chopping wood carrying water kind of moment. With Saturn recently co-joining my natal moon in the fifth house, in the sign of Pisces, much has emerged from the watery depths of life’s happenstances. …


Threes a charm. Two false starts this morning. One to go. Let’s see where it flows. Writing for me is like catching a wave. I get inspired. Begin typing. Enter the flow state. Feel like I am flying high and then something shifts. I lose the flow, the momentum, the dance, the music of what is coming through. It’s not …

Catching the Jupiter – Uranus wave…

Riding the waves alongside Jupiter & Uranus is exciting! Ecstatic. Electrifying. Extraordinary. Who wouldn’t want to hang out with these two dynamic mythical super heroes of the Cosmos? Even for a brief moment of time. Would this planetary alignment go unnoticed today, if I or we were totally unaware of the astrological alignments shaping form? Hard to say. It’s too …

As the Zodiacal Wheel turns…

Emerging from a winter deep and transformative, I feel the gravitational pull of the darker days and long moonlit nights gradually dissolving and lifting away. Suns’ luminous rays are now rejoicing as it travels along the ecliptics path, freely filtering through the Northern Hemisphere. Aries, the sign of fire and the combustive spark of Mars, initiates the Astrological New Year. …

A time of Starry telling begins…

Dipping my fingers back into the proverbial soup of symbolic keys and cues, I listen. I soften. I observe.  My eyes wander out towards the forested trees where I am perched high above a luminous canopy of redwoods, douglas firs and emerald ferns. The stirrings of the winds whispering through the trees tickles the senses of my imagination. I am …

Buckle up. We’re going for a ride.

I remember how mysterious it felt the first time I sat down to receive a reading. I was a junior in high school at a friends family holiday party when one of her aunties asked a few of us if we would like our palms read.

Lavenders Labyrinth…

AUNTIE OWL sweeps her hands delicately through the LAVENDER patch among her spirited spring garden. Swoosh! Tracing the contours of her beloved plant friends, OWL observes and swoons over the rich violet hued landscape before her. Heartbeat to heartbeat, OWL’s daily dose of earthing inspires a skip in her step, invigorating her vitality and strength. All the while, boosting immunity! Weaving her way …

SCHISANDRA…on the quest for eternal SUNSHINE!

SCHISANDRA is a magickal healing plant who is most beloved for her juicy, succulent and Sun Shining nature! She is a one-of-a-kind spicy gal! Ready for just about anything! You’ll see! Her branches stretch and lift through the winters snow each cycle of spring in the form of succulent red berries and fragrant leaves….She brings a splash of joyful vitality, a skip in the step and a …

A Spontaneous Opening -Santa Monica Boardwalk

Just a few steps onto the boardwalk, a man calls out to me. I glance back. He turns towards me. “Excuse me, but don’t I know you from somewhere?” “Aren’t you the woman I met at the party who is from Argentina?” I smile and laugh a little. “No, sorry, you must be thinking of someone else. “Have a nice day, though.” The man enthusiastically and confidently comes a little closer. “Are you sure we haven’t met before? I feel like I know you.”