A time of Starry telling begins…

Dipping my fingers back into the proverbial soup of symbolic keys and cues, I listen. I soften. I observe.  My eyes wander out towards the forested trees where I am perched high above a luminous canopy of redwoods, douglas firs and emerald ferns.

The stirrings of the winds whispering through the trees tickles the senses of my imagination. I am enchanted by the dappled light of golden hues and vibrant greens of the tall redwood trees. My fingers begin to pick up pace into a rhythmic dance to the beat of the setting sun. It’s my kind of magic hour. It’s that time and space of the day when the light softens and sparkles.

My creative muse has been dancing in procrastination all around my keyboard for days now. It has been some time since I have written and in that time much has happened. New commitments, lifestyle changes and creative projects have structured my reality in new ways. It has been a growing and evolving process of which I am deeply grateful for as life continues to grow sweeter and more expansive here in the forest. No need to sugar coat it, it has been a time of great integration in every way imaginable! Blood, sweat and tears at times. Waves of bliss and ecstasy to boot. No exaggeration there!

My daily deep dive among the fertile soil brings me closer to this enchanted land I live upon. This is the land we call home now. Yes, we have made a commitment to home and hearth! 🙂 It is a place of sanctuary where the sun shines bright and the moon even brighter on a full moons night. The spirit and heart of the land is alive with an array of abundant lifeforms that delight.

A gentle prodding and probing of questions constellate my mind. As I tune in, I feel a deep wellspring of inspiration churning, culminating and creatively weaving a blissful basket of a creative breakthrough. This excites me as I turn this corner and start a new chapter, once again, in this great dance ’round the Sun.

As the leaves continue to fall to the earth, the richness of autumns’ light illuminates and inspires. Harnessing the strength and light of the bright sun of the long summer days makes it easier to integrate. As the Sun ingresses into Scorpio there is a subtle shift and brisk feeling in the air. I feel it on the tippy top of my skin all the way to center of my bones. I can feel it in the growing of the moon and in the dappled light of the day. Hello Scorpio Season! 🙂 We welcome you. It’s a new year, new cylce ’round the sun. Samhain approaches near as it marks the end of the year and the beginning of a new year originating from the land of the Celtic peoples.

In the spirit of magick,

AliSun Trees “Auntie Owl”

Astrology Guide – Planetary Artist – Light Bringer Wyrd WeaverPlant Allie

Comments 6

  1. Love your inspired words, feeling, images… so appreciate your sharing, Auntie Owl! Just made me thirsty for more details! Keep writing!!
    (From Artbarn days 😉

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      Thank you for sharing your spark of inspiration, Lynne! I appreciate you! Yes, I am looking forward to taking my writing to the next level in greater detail! The writing bug bit me as I was traveling the world years ago (originating in Panama) and now that I am more rooted (Northern California), I am excited to see what all emerges! I will be weaving in natural healing ways, plant medicine & Astrology…most of all any magical musing that tickles my senses and imagination…haha! 🙂

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      Thank you, Joanie! I have always appreciated your kind words, support and love upon my adventures and Quests in life! 🙂

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      Thank you beautiful Sistar! I love that we are on this journey together…You are a deep well of inspiration for me. Grateful for our serendipitous meeting at the Solstice thyme many moons ago upon the enchanted lands of Findhorn.

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