Constellating in Circles.

I have been constellating in circles about what to share next. As it has been quite some time since my previous post. 

I find myself in a real chopping wood carrying water kind of moment. With Saturn recently co-joining my natal moon in the fifth house, in the sign of Pisces, much has emerged from the watery depths of life’s happenstances. Waves upon waves of opportunities to grow and evolve have naturally and spontaneously, dipped me in and out, back and forth, side to side, drawing me deep down into the well of the primordial waters. And right back up again. Re-shaping me. Churning me. Preparing me, for this next cycle round.

The moment I realized that Saturn would be returning to my natal moon this coming year, I thought it would be a good idea to re-visit what happened during my first Saturn Moon dance a long long time ago. 

As this is one way in which Astrology truly sings and pops! Going back in time. Seeing how the stars aligned once upon a time. 

When Saturn makes a transit to our natal Moon, it’s often a sign that it will be a time of great maturation. Restructuring. Growth. As well as a series of processes and initiations building over time. We can kick and scream and sludge our way through it, or we can allow for Saturns wisdom to touch and shape us over time. 

Feeling Saturn pressing on my heels (symbolically speaking) with his slow moving pace of its approximately 29 year + change rotation, I have taken Saturns presence in my life to heart as of late. 

Please forgive me in advance as I use he for (Saturn), for simplification. Saturn could easily be a she or they or fill in the blank! 😉 

Saturn is now in its last degrees before making a final conjunction to my natal Moon. In what is called the balsamic phase. It’s that moment right before we see a new moon in the sky as the sun draws close to the moon obscuring its light. Other wise known as the dark moon.

The dark moon brings up themes of dissolution, things falling away, and karmic patterns lifting. Ultimately preparing for a new cycle ‘round. 

As I write, Saturn is now retrograde just one degree shy of an exact conjunction to my moon. And Yes, do I feel it! Especially since Saturn has taken a moment to slow down, pause and stop in preparation for 140 days & 140 nights of backward motion. Eventually traveling back again for a final sweep at the exact degree! And that won’t be until early 2025! I know what a ride. That’s why this time around I am aiming to make friends with Saturn. The best of friends.

It’s the marathon race, not the fast sprint this time ‘round as I looked back to my transit many moons ago while living in the college town of Chico!

Right around two years ago, as Saturn entered Pisces, I took a little peek to see what the circumstances and environment of my life was back then. The Saturn Moon conjunction is one that each of us may experience up to 2-3 times in one life. Or less. Or more. Who knows? It all depends on when we change cosmic addresses! 

Often transits of this nature will play out in similar ways as our past experience. Of course, not in the exact same way, how could it? Right? But, that being said. More than often, there are similar themes at play. 

This is what I love about Astrology! Simply amazes me. My muse!

So, I decided to take a walk down memory lane to see what was happening at this last Saturn natal Moon conjunction. I opened up my Astrology program. Clicked on my birth chart. Then, clicked on the transits for that particular day and time when Saturn and the Moon would meet in an exact conjunction by sign and degree. 

OK. Let’s have a look.

First, I located the Moon in my birth chart. My Moon is in Pisces in the 5th House. Ok. Great. I then activated the transits so that I can see where Saturn was traveling at this transit prior. I made an educated guess as to what year it could be. I opened up the ephemeris to see.

Knowing that Saturn has a 29 year + change cycle, this gives me a clue approximately as to where to start. I have an ephemeris at my fingertips, (a table of dates, times, aspects etc. of planetary movements and astrological geeky stuff). 😉 I like using an ephemeris, at times, so that I can arrive quicker than toggling back and forth with my program for a while. 

Ok. found it.

I see Saturn sitting with my moon down at the bottom of my chart. No surprise as that is what we are looking for, right? However the timing is a bit auspicious. The most auspicious of a life time! 

A surge of energy rose straight up my spine, feverishly sending a pulse of electricity lifting up the littlest of hairs on the tippy top of my skin. Whoa…Bingo! Astrology for the win. 

Big giant luminous Angel bumps on my skin!

So, what would warrant the all-encompassing “angel bumps” that ran feverishly flustering upon my flesh, you may wonder? Well, I wish I could say it was a happy memory. Of course, in some ways, it was incredibly beautiful that moment in time. Truly Memorable. Touching. Let’s settle for poignant. Yea. That sounds about right.

This was the very transit that I lost my Mom. My Moon.🙂 My orbit. My primal ancestral roots to this world. Left a hole and void in my world. At, least temporarily. And if that wasn’t intense enough for me at that time in my life, my mom’s mom (my mama) passed over during the same long transit, just one month before.

Ok. Important to say before going forward, that this transit plays out in a myriad of ways. We won’t all lose our moms at these pivotal points. Nor our grandmothers. Now, the theme of mother may emerge in some other interesting ways. For example, in the form of relationships. Family relationships evolving in some way. Moon represents the mother in astrology, but it also relates to our body, to our environment, our home. How we nourish ourselves, how we co-exist in our world. In our setting. Our environment. So many things are associated with the moon. My example here is just one way it can play out. One of many!

Astrology simply teases out the threads. It’s a divinatory art that inspires the symbols to speak.

Life is a process. Even when we are in the middle of a crisis, an initiation of sorts or enduring a difficult or hard process in life, there is often something that lifts us up through the murky moments breaking the soil free for a new life to emerge. 

Endings happen naturally. As do new beginnings. 

One year following this transit in the final year of college, big life changes were made setting me forth on a new trajectory in my life. There was a break up, a move, and about 50 drawings & paintings tucked away into my little Honda, as I headed back to Los Angeles in the direction of home and family. At the helm of a new chapter in my life.

Interestingly, the atmosphere I find myself in this moment is dressed with some similarities, yet with very different circumstances. 

I have experienced a recent move. Actually a BIG move. Even though I have been in the general area for a few years. This isn’t your digital nomad kind of move like before. It’s more of a “settling down moment in time kind of move.” I also now live close to family which is really great! I haven’t had that for a really long time. My husband Tyler and I are in a re-structuring phase of building a home. A little barn house in the woods. We are building from the ground up. In fact, the foundation is setting and curing in the hot baking Sun right now. 

The process has not been without its many hiccups and pauses over the past 3 years. I had a strong suspicion of what Saturn might be up to as I observed him enter my 4th House (house of home) at that time. Ushering in a slow yet methodical process. One that would require lots of effort and patience. We are creating a new home environment (moon) in a step-by-step process (saturn) building over time within many rules and regulations…

Preparing and shaping us for this new epic chapter in the forest!

Saturn transits often have a working hard kind of feeling. It’s the planetary archetype that keeps us in check with reality. Saturns practical wisdom approach has a way of helping to shape our lives in very concrete ways. 

In these moments as Saturn Retrogrades, I feel a slower pace emerging, but only for a moment. As I am on the fast track (in school, once again!) – with 3 astrology classes happening at once in a really down-to-earth program, Ancient Astrology for the Modern Mystic with Night Light Astrology! 

I know. I know, how Saturn – Moon in Pisces of me, right?

Thanks for reading! Until we meet again.

AliSun Trees aka “Auntie Owl”

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