Treasure on the mountain.

We were heading out the door for a brunch under the redwoods when a text popped up on Tylers phone. It was from a neighbor here on the mountain. “My wife has a crystal that she wants to gift your wife. When would be a good time to meet up?”

“Hey! Thank you! Late afternoon would be great! Anytime after 3pm as we are headed out this morning for a gathering.”

A light plume of dust lifts into the air as a black sprinter van glides lightly on down our winding little dirt road landing at the edge of our driveway. Our neighbors pop out of the van with two sweet dogs in tow. They had just returned from the creek and were all looking extra bright and sparkly from their adventure.

I greet our neighbors out by their van. One of which, I had not seen since we had officially moved here over a year ago.

This is what I wanted to bring to you. She opens her hand to reveal a beautiful quartz cluster. Her graceful presence and warm tone makes an impression on me.

WoW! Thank you. I say. This is beautiful.

I place it in the palm of my hand to get a closer look at it. The size is similar to a silver dollar shape – with various clusters of quartz stones protruding from one larger one in the center. I glance it over to check it in the light from all angles. I am then guided to place my other hand directly over the palm of my hand to further connect with the crystals energy as I hear the story of how it came to be.

“This is a lemurian crystal,” she says. Gradually, I feel a spark of energy – rising – culminating – stirring – sending a shiver up my spine. “This one is supposed to go to you.”

She goes on to tell me about the crystal ceremony she participated in recently following a trip to Arkansas where her and her husband went “crystal hunting.”

She continues…“When I was in ceremony, I heard that this crystal is to go to the woman on the mountain.” She then turned to another woman in the circle who nodded with confirmation that yes this was in fact to go to the woman on the mountain. That’s me. The woman on the mountain. That’s a first for me. Most refer to me as a forest faery or of a similar nature.

Lemurian crystal cluster meditation and dreaming vision…

Do you work with crystals? she asks.

“Yes. I love crystals. I love meditating with them in hand. I often channel with them. I really love Lemurian crystals. They remind me of Mount Shasta. Maui too. It’s rather auspicious timing actually”…

I continue to share. “I was contemplating on going to Shasta this month to visit dear friends but I felt some anxiety about traveling a long distance at this time. Especially with the heat. As well as the potential fires I felt were on the horizon. Not to mention the astrology in my chart and in the collective.”

The mention of Shasta inspired tales of Shasta and Sedona…and other magical places.

“Oh. Here. Let me show you a couple more crystals that I have sitting on the table. Your husband gifted these to me last winter when he was doing work up here on the land.”

“He did?” That sounds like him. “He is really good at knowing who the crystals go to.”

“You know what? This is wild. I had a premonition, a dream, that he would be bringing me a crystal that very week in the heart of winter. A similar text read. “I have a couple rocks from our travels that we would like to gift to your wife. When can we meet up?”

We walk on over to the picnic table where I hand her a nice sized chunk of a raw black obsidian stone happily lounging on the table. I pick it up and hand it to her. “I love this one, I tell her. It’s deeply grounding and it continues to get shinier and brighter with every day.”

She looks it over. “hmmm. Let’s see. I wonder where this one came from.” As they have so many in their home from all their travels. I have had the honor to meet some of them one time visiting at their home.

We call over to her husband who confirms that this one came from Davis.

“Oh yea, that’s right.” I said. Now, I remember. Yea. Davis is cool.

“Oh and this one too.” I hand her a rock the size of the palm of my hand – a greyish stone with subtle hints of herkimer diamonds shining through.

We chatted for a while longer under the shaded oak talking about auspicious travels and tales of the mountain that we all call home now. We say our farewells. “I will be sure to let you know of any magical happenings with the crystal in the coming days. Thanks again! That was really kind. Magical too!”

Sprinter van glides gently down the meandering road…

I went inside our abode and placed my new Lemurian crystal cluster right in the center of the two Lemurian quartz crystals that had been gifted from another magical friend many moons ago – just a few days following the Thomas Fire when the vast majority of my crystals combusted in flames leaving ash and little trace – following a deeply auspicious Full Moon.

I live for serendipitous moments of this nature. It’s those moments that keeps the spark alive – activating something deep inside – while sending chills up and down the spine! Knowing that we are in synch in step with life – with each other – walking this adventure together. Thanks for reading!

Love, AliSun Trees aka “Auntie Owl”

Astrology Guide – Planetary Artist – Light Bringer Wyrd WeaverPlant Apprentice View draft history

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