
Hi! Auntie Owl is my beloved given name here in the forest. However, most everyone knows me by the name of AliSun Trees. Feel free to call me by either name(s).

NATURE has always been a guiding light and true compass upon my life's journey. At a young age, I would sit in butterfly position under a tree or by the sea, lifting into higher dimensions beyond time and space. Flying through the astral planes one early spring day around the age of 7 in the form of a terribly timed cartwheel, I fell forehead first onto a concrete porch.

In that moment, I saw the brightest constellation of stars, awakening my vision further more...

From that day forward, my ability to see and experience life became multi-faceted inspiring a series of initiations in all dimensions of reality. Bridging the worlds of the seen and unseen have been a life long practice of integration and embodiment. Each experience continues to propel me forth on my journey naturally illuminating opportunities for growth and evolution. 
My life has been enlivened with down-to-earth worldly adventures, mystical experiences and spontaneous initiations having a rippling effect in all facets and dimensions of my life. For the past two decades I have devoted my path to the healing arts, all the while, birthing creations in the form of mandalas and mystical symbols.

One of my greatest joys is living in communion with the natural world. Touching that divine spark and intelligence that pulses through you and me, everyone and everything. Auntie Owl
"Auntie OWL... In your presence and healing nature you helped me to access my roots, bringing me into alignment with my personal power; you helped me to ignite my spirituality. A new sense of serenity emerged and set me free to love life. To live love again. You precious woman. Mighty Goddess. Love to you."IVES *Croatia
"AUNTIE OWL held an amazing container and created a magical experience that wove together Tom and I in Sacred Union and included my kids to form a NEW FAMILY. It was a beautiful dance of honoring each other. It supported openings of our hearts, minds and souls to align with each other. Her deep wisdom of earth medicine and expansive capacity to hold an exquisite energetic field allowed on organic alchemy to unfold in the highest opportunity of our Sacred Union and Family Reorganizing. Anointing oils and special tea blends were woven into the ceremony perfectly energizing our ceremony, along with her amazing attention to detail supported the “LOVE FEST”. I am eternally grateful!"
Carolyn Hernandez